Joe Rozza
Company: Ryan Co. US, Inc.
Job title: CSO
Develop: Improve the Quality of Data Collected in the Field to Improve Accuracy of Carbon Tracking 11:25 am
Educating teams on what embodied carbon is produced in the field to ensure stakeholders comprehend and differentiate between scope one, two, and three emissions effectively Creating clear and easy ways to gather necessary project data and reduce manual entry Developing robust quality assurance procedures, to control data accuracy and completenessRead more
day: Day One Track B AM
Discover: Establishing Project Carbon Performance Management Frameworks to Align Responsibilities & Accountability Across all Project Partners 10:40 am
Outlining a systematic approach for capturing data across all project phases to ensure clarity and uniformity across stakeholders Allocating clear responsibilities for data capture to each project partner to establish clear ownership and accountability Monitoring adherence to established data capture frameworks to ensure complianceRead more
day: Day One Track B AM